
Risenfall 1 (en)

Liana Recchione (story, pencils and colours)

Great Britain. In an alternative Victorian era, the Helwyrs, or Spirit Hunters, are the Queen’s men belonging to a secret police force. Their task is to investigate on weird and gruesome cases and to protect the world from the Fomorians, horrible supernatural beings infesting our world. Two hunters, Rein Risenfall and Fray Graymist, are called to investigate on the strange deaths of two young people in a remote Welsh country. Here, they will meet other people who will lead them further on a road where nothing is as it seems and everything is linked to the past of one of the hunters… Come and open the door that will shed light on this mystery!

Disponibile anche in italiano

Risenfall 1 (en)
Digital comic book, 78 pages, color.

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