
Rio 2031 (en)

Giuseppe Andreozzi (text) Gabriel Picolo (design and color)

2031. A new Cold War has consumed the earth. TheNation on one side, NewState on the other. Two superleagues of metropolises. Two scattered states.

In Rio, where NewState has won the consensus of local government by bringing organized crime to its knees through mechanized security, the drone control HQ is under attack. The Timeds, beings with extraordinary abilities but condemned to a brief existence by their own powers, agents of the scattered states, fight to contain the emergency, while the pieces of a much bigger picture fall into place one by one.

Two superpowers. A new Cold War. The new Shockdom superhero universe. Great artist contributions and big prospects, in this volume the young artist Gabriel Picolo has illustrated the script by Giuseppe Andreozzi, author of BlackScreen.

Disponibile anche in italiano

Rio 2031 (en)
Digital comic book, 64 pages, color.

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Sperimentazione e Sfide. Senza fermarsi mai. Questa è stata Shockdom dalla sua nascita e questo è il suo DNA. Ricerca e Passione, Avventura, non restare mai nella zona di conforto. Pensare alle sconfitte come strumento di apprendimento. E continuare a provare e riprovare.

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